1. The Ministry of Health and Sports is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and spread Than Associate to sign MoU in China and 59 countries around the world, in cooperation with the international Health Ministries and the WHO, and sharing real-time updated information among these organizations.
2. The MoHS is taking measures to prevent the infectious disease by monitoring the travellers who are entering Myanmar through international gateways. A very cautious priority is also given for their entry permit only after the travellers have completed all the information such as their health condition, location and phone numbers of the hotels they are going to stay in the health declaration card.
3. In this regard,
(a) A 29-year-old Chinese male, who is working at a factory in Hlinethaya Township in Yangon Region, went to his residence in Taipei, on 18 February and came back to Myanmar on 25 February. He had fever, sore throat, coughing and shortness of breathing on 28 February. He was referred by the Panhlaing Hospital to the Waibargi Specialist Hospital on 1 March. He is now under quarantine and laboratory test is also underway.
(b) A 37-year-old male citizen of New Zealand, who is residing in Ahlone Township, Yangon Region, left Yangon International Airport for Kingston Airport passing through Hong Kong airport, JFK airport, and Miami airport. After he stayed in Kingston for eight days he arrived back at Yangon International Airport via Doha airport. He was suspected with similar symptoms like the COVID-19 disease on 29 February. He was referred by the Yangon General Hospital to the Waibargi Specialist Hospital on 2 March. He is now under quarantine and laboratory test is underway.
(c) A 32-year-old male, who have studied in Hunan Province of Central China for three years, arrived back in Myanmar on 18 February after a stopover in Malaysia. He suffered similar symptoms like the COVID-19 virus on 1 March. He was referred by Dagon Myothit (East) Hospital to the Waibargi Specialist Hospital on 2 March. He was put under quarantine for laboratory test.
(d) A 29-year-old male, who are residing in Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State, arrived back in Myanmar from Thailand on 18 February. He suffered fever, coughing and abdominal pain on 21 February. He went to a private clinic on 2 March and was referred by the clinic to the Sittway General Hospital at the same day. He is now under quarantine and laboratory test is underway.
(e) Singaporean Ministry of Health informed the Ministry of Health and Sports on 1 March that a 25-year-old female, who is residing in Singapore, was staying close contact with an infected person and was then under home quarantine. After she had tested positive with the COVID-19 virus she was under treatment in Singapore. They also informed that a 26-year-old male, who was staying close contact with her in Singapore, arrived back in Myanmar from Singapore on 26 February.
Upon this information, the MoHS has found out, after investigation into his health declaration card, that he arrived in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region. He is now under quarantine along with his wife.
4. Hence, it is notified that the travellers who entered Myanmar through air and water routes shall have to complete the health declaration card.
The travellers, who stay close contact with anyone with the COVID-19 virus or come from the infectious areas and regions, may carry the disease despite no symptoms during the incubation period. The public are notified that both those persons and the public should inform to nearest health centres in order to put them under quarantine and travel restrictions.
The notification informed that this is beneficial for all individuals, family members and friends.
(Translated by Aungthu Ya)
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar